aktualizováno | 15.03.2012 08:27:46 | edda | přečteno: 6792x
Rallye Praha Revival - Supplementary regulations




2nd Rallye Praha Revival

from Friday April 27th to Sunday April 29th 2012

Supplementary regulations


This event, placed under the High Patronage of the Prague Mayor Mr. Dr. Med. B. Svoboda, is organised by the Automobil Club Bílá Labuť Praha with the participation of Edda Cup Organisation.


I - Organising Comittee

II – General Conditions

  1. Description

  2. Programme

  3. Route

  4. Eligible Cars

  5. Eligible Crews

  6. Entry Fees

  7. Liability and Insurance

III – Obligations of the Competitors

  1. Crews

  2. Official Notice Board

  3. Starting Order

  4. Time Card

  5. Traffic. Repairs.

IV – Running of the Event

  1. Official Time. Road Book.

  2. Passage Controls. Time Controls. Speed Controls. Average Controls.

  3. Scrutineering.

  4. Classifications. Results. Protests.

V – Supplements

VI – Applications and Interpretations of the Regulations


I - Organising Committee

Honorary Chairman: Mr. Jan Cihelka

General Secretary: Mr. Petr Kotek


Clerk of the Course: Mr. Eduard Patera

Steward: Mr. Jaroslav Malík

Chief Scrutineer: Mr. Mirek Pažout

Scrutineer: Mr. Jiří Novák

Chiefs SS sections: Mr. Petr Flosman, Mr. Roman Linhart, Mr. Jaroslav Malík

Competitors’ relations officer Mr. Petr Kotek

General Treasurer: Ed Patera

Media Officer: Mr. Jan Cihelka

Route, Road Book: Mr. Pavel Šubrt, Mr. Eduard Patera

Responsible for Medical Support: Mr. Bořek Bulíček, Trans Hospital Řevnice

Official photographer: Mr. Jiří Fryje, jfryje@centrum.cz

Official DVD creator: Mr. Vladimír Dolejš, dolejsv@tiscali.cz

With the collaboration of the Members of Automobil Club Bílá Labuť and the Members of Organisation Stuff of Edda Cup.


II - General Conditions


The 2nd RALLYE PRAHA REVIVAL, of total mileage 533 km, is divided into 3 legs during which 10 show sections are planned.

The ideal interval between the cars is 1 minute.

The route, as well as its time controls, passage controls, show sections, etc. are described on the time card and in the itinerary.


°1st Leg

Friday April, 27th 10,00hr. – 15,30hr. Shakedown for the new crews /not mandatory/

14,00hr. – 16,00hr. Administrative Check – vocational school Radotín

15,30hr. Briefing for foreign crews

16,00hr. Briefing

17,00hr. Start 1st Leg- vocational school

19,00hr. Ceremonial start – centrum of Prague

20,23hr. SS 01 Sosnova night

21,30hr. Finish Staré Splavy



°2nd Leg

Saturday April, 28th 08,15hr. Start – Staré Splavy

08,30hr. SS 02 Rallycross arena Sosnová

09,30hr. SS 03 Former airport Hradčany

10,45hr. Lunch

12,00hr. SS 04 Former airport Hradčany

13,00hr. SS 05 Agricultural airport Malá Strana

14,00hr. SS 06 Czechring Hradec Králové

16,00hr. Finish hotel Hůrka Pardubice


°3rd Leg

Sunday April, 29th 09,00hr Start

09,15hr. SS 07 Speedway Golden Helmet, Pardubice

10,00hr. SS 08 Barracks Pardubice

11,30hr. SS 09 Speedway Golden Helmet, Pardubice

12,35hr. SS 10 Museum Čáslav

14,45hr. TC Citroen

15,00hr. Finish vocational school Radotín

17,00hr. Prize Giving Ceremony,

Monday April, 30th 10,00hr. Old Prague Sightseeing

ATTENTION! The times can be yet a little change!


30% roads 1st, 2nd class, 69% other roads, 1% bad quality road, gravel.

Service zone, parking is located in vocational school Radotín. The area is locked by night and guarded. Service and transport vehicles may parking here too.

1st Leg direction- Čakovice, Kokořínsko, Staré Splavy, length 103 km

2nd Leg direction- Sosnová, Mnichovo Hradiště, Kněžice, Hradec Králové, length 227 km

3rd Leg direction- Pardubice, Zbýšov, Mnichovice, Radotín, length 203 km

Show section will be organize on close track. The crews have to use helmets and fasten seat belts. Start is 3min.after arrival to TC A. Finish is on stop line. 1 sec = 1 PP, not stop on defined space results 10 PP. SS are not mandatory. In this case you will get the time of the last participant.


4.Eligible cars

Are eligible road- legal vehicles built before 1/1/1986, with penalty 70 PP built before 1/1/1988.

The cars will be divided in 2 categories:

Category A1 - series cars.

Category A2 - modified cars.

Each category is divided into 4 classes according to engine capacity:

  1. Up to 1150 cc

  2. 1151 cc up to 1600cc

  3. 1601 cc up to 2000cc

  4. Over 2000 cc

The eligible cars will be selected by the organiser who has sole right to accept or to refuse the entry, without justifying any reason and organiser may transferred in to right class all the event time.

Each car gets penalty points by production year. (for example, car produced in 1977, gets 77 PP, in 1985 – 85 PP. etc.

5.Eligible crews

Any crew must be composed of one first driver plus a minimum of one and a maximum of two


Any crew undertake follow rules event without exceptions.

Any crew is responsible for technical conditions of the cars and proper insurance!

6.Entry fees

For foreign crews is free.

7.Liability and insurance.

All crews start on their own responsibility. Organiser refuses all responsibility to participants.



III - Obligations of the competitors:


Only crews specified in entry forms are admitted to the start.

During the administrative checks, the organizers will provide each crew with official rally plates and 2 competitor’s numbers, which should remain on the car for the duration of the event. The rally plates should be fixed to the front of the car in visible position. The competitor’s numbers will be fixed on the rear door’s windows.

2.Official notice board.

All decisions, notification and results will be published on official notice board in HQ situated in canteen of vocational school Radotín, or in daily finish Time control.

Official website: www.edda.cz/mscrdovrchu

3.Starting orders.

All starts will be done minute by minute in the order of the competition numbers.

4.Time card.

At the start of the Rally, each crew will receive a time card showing the times allowed to cover

the distance between 2 time controls.This card is handed in at the arrival control of each leg and

replaced by a new one at the start.

Each crew is solely responsible for its time card.

5.Traffic. Repairs.

For the entire duration of the event, the crews must strictly observe the traffic laws with the exception of the Show sections.

Repairs and refuelling are permitted at any time throughout the event.


IV - Running of the Event.

1.Official time. Road book.

For the whole event the official time will be the Czech Radio time. The exact starting time will be indicated on the time card.

2.Passage controls. Time controls. Speed controls. Average controls.

Passage controls PK- a) in itinery, self-service, mostly some text copy to time card (e.g. sign on

the monument)

b) hidden, secret, mostly connected with RK (Speed control), KP (Average


Missing PK = 100 PP

Mistake in text = 10 PP

Speed controls - RK- radar control , speed limit by law: village 50km/h, road 90 km/h,

Tolerated speeding to 5 km/h in village, to 10 km/h outside of the village.

Above 5 km/h every 1km= 10 PP (e.g. 64 km/h= 90PP)

Above 30 km/h over city limit- immediate excluding!!!


Time control TC  - ČK- will be almost before (as ČK A) and after (as ČK B) Show sections.

Any difference between the actual check-in time and the target check-in time is

penalised as follows:

For late arrival: 10 PP per minute or fraction of minute with maximum of 100 PP

For early arrival: 100 PP


Average control - KP- secret control of the compliance of the average speed.

Tolerance- 30 sec.

Late arrival is without penalty.

Early arrival to 1 min = 20 PP!!! More than 1 min = 100 PP !!!



Any crew taking part in the event must attend the planned administrative scrutineering located in canteen of vocational school Radotín.

Technical scrutineering will be not organized.

4.Classifications. Results. Protests.

Penalties are expressed in points.The final results are determined by adding up the penalties.

The crew with the lowest total will be proclaimed the class winner, the next lowest will be second and so on.

In the case of a dead heat, the crew who drive the oldest car is proclaimed winner.If this is not sufficient to be able to decide the dead heat, the times of the first, second, third, fourth, etc.

regularity test sections are taken into account.

Results list in classes and absolute ranking will be available on HQ after 30 min after finish of the last car.

The crews who retire on 1st and 2nd Leg can again start next morning with the sum of PP of the last crew of the same class.

In case of all protests is decision of the stewards of the event final.


V - Supplements

The provisions of these regulations may be amended if necessary.

Any amendment or additional provision will be announced on supplementary information

bulletins, both dated and numbered, which will form an integral part of these regulations.

Any bulletin issued after the beginning of the administrative checks must be signed by the

Stewards of the Meeting.

These supplements will be posted in the HQ and on the official notice

board.Furthermore, they will be directly communicated to the participants, who should sign to

acknowledge receipt, unless it is materially impossible, during the course of the event.

VI - Applications and Interpretation of the Regulations

The Clerk of the Course is responsible for the application of these regulations during the course of the event.Any case not provided for herein will be judged by the Clerk of the Course and the Steward of the Meeting, the only persons authorised to take such a decision.

In case of dispute over the interpretation of the regulations, the Czech text will be applicable.



    Jan Cihelka                      Eduard Patera

Honorary Chairman         Clerk of the Course




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