aktualizováno | 18.12.2012 10:49:10 | edda | přečteno: 8751x
The 1st press report Rallye Praha Revival

On preliminary start list are 148 crews and 11 replacement crews.

The second event centre will be in Plzen, the best Czech beer town /Pilsner Urquell/ :-) Accommodation for the both night will be in ****Hotel Primavera with capacity of 243 beds www.primaverahotel.cz/.

Headquarters will be in Radotín vocational school like last time. Ceremonial start will be at 12. 04. 2013 about 7 p. m. in Prague centre. The route of the 1st leg will be conducted in the military area Brdy /50x70km/ in which will be situated sprint stage/not Show Section/. This stage will be very difficult for navigation, because in this area are lot of roads without traffic signs, all in night forest, somewhere without phone signal…:-) Then will be night Show Section on cinder stadium in Strašice. First car will drive to finish in hotel about 10 p. m.

Saturday leg will consist of 6-7 Show Sections and will finish about 4 p.m.

Sunday leg route will come back to Radotín with only 2 Show sections. We expect the finish about 1 p.m.

The route of the event has 520 km overall.


RPR is not according to FIA rules for rally or regularity rally. Our event has his own rules which are still evolving from the first Rallye Revival organized three years ago as a meeting of Czech rallye and racing legendary drivers. Unexpected response of participants caused continuing. We invent and develop our own rules referred rallye from seventies. Of course without Super Stages. Our SS are Show Sections! Eligible cars may not be equipped with a rollcage.

Passages between TC have average speed 55-60 km/h. Average speed can be observed by compliance with traffic rules only by perfect navigation by itinerary. Each and only one mistake in navigation ( mostly wrong direction on intersection) causes later arrive to TC with penalty points. For success is more important skilled and careful co-driver. Tripmaster, or as minimum day distance counter, is necessary equipment. We recommend downloaded to your phone satelitte tripmaster.


Always keep in mind our event is no rally, no race, it is meeting! Results is not so important! Each crew finishes with a lot of penalty points from TC/ČK, RK, PK,KP( you will see in supplementary regulations).

RPR is organized as a friendly event by small stuff with small budget but with big enthusiasm :-).

If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.


                                                           Yours sincerely Ed Patera





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