aktualizováno | 06.08.2008 09:38:15 | edda | přečteno: 6079x
Přetiskujeme rozhovor s Miroslavem Adámkem v Novinách Prahy 12. Jsou to oficiální noviny radnice.

Když do vrchu, tak na Točnou!

O průběhu automobilových závodů do vrchu na tři a půl kilometru dlouhé trati od mostu Závodu míru na Točnou nelze hovořit jinak, než v superlativech. A tak není divu, že se z řad závodníků i publika ozývaly dotazy, zda bude mít letošní premiéra v seriálu Mistrovství České republiky amatérů napřesrok reprízu. Zeptali jsme se na to Miroslava Adámka, zasloužilého mistra sportu, který byl spolu s Eduardem Paterou 19. července organizátorem automobilových závodů Zbraslav - Točná.

Jsme optimisté, ačkoli to zřejmě příští rok ještě nebude. Trasa serpentinami na Točnou s převýšením 160 metrů je skutečně náročná a závodníci i stroje potřebují kvůli bezpečnosti kvalitní asfaltový povrch, zpevněné krajnice i svodidla. Starosta Petr Hána, který byl letos patronem závodu, nám přislíbil všestrannou podporu. Samozřejmě v mezích možného, protože po komunikaci dosud pendlují těžká nákladní vozidla s vytěženou zeminou a stavebními materiály pro silniční obchvat Prahy, který se buduje u Točné. Jakmile bude tato komunikace opravená a nově potažená, udělají obě naše modřanské firmy - Patëra Citroën i Auto Adámek – vše pro to, aby Praha 12, jmenovitě Točná, získaly v závodech do vrchu amatérů už pevné místo. Terény tu máme ideální, což kvitovali všichni letošní závodníci. Mnozí ještě pamatují soutěže na svažitých terénech našeho katastru v 70. letech minulého století, které se těšily velké popularitě. Letos jsme jako organizátoři byli spokojeni hlavně s tím, že kromě jediné Corvette, která skončila mimo silnici, a dvou menších kolizí v cíli soutěžních jízd na Točné, se závody obešly bez nehod a hlavně bez zranění.“

Kolik účastníků jste napočítali?

Soutěžních a doprovodných vozidel se registrovalo přes 250 a závodníků 139. Mezi nimi opravdoví mistři volantu Muzikant, Krejbich a Lorenz v barvách Auta Kožmín, kteří naprosto suverénně opanovali všechny kategorie v soutěži veteránů. Tomuto týmu se dokonce podařilo vybojovat maximálních 60 bodů, což je vůbec poprvé, co to některý tým dokázal. Jedna z největších hvězd závodu - Petr Krejbich - se nechal slyšet, že svezení na Točnou se mu moc líbilo, ačkoli volant svého soutěžního vozu naposledy držel před 27 lety. Starosta Velké Chuchle Stanislav Fresl, bývalý aktivní závodník, neseděl v soutěžním voze dokonce 42 let. Přesto byl nakonec rád, že se nechal svým kolegou starostou Petrem Hánou vyhecovat a v Citroënu Saxo jako člen týmu Eduarda Patery reprezentoval Prahu 12. Podobně Roman Skamene, který automobilové soutěže jezdí již více než 25 let a letos zaskočil i za svého zraněného kolegu Petra Kotvalda. Sice trochu brblal, protože jeho výsledný čas v samostatné kategorii Saxo Cup na medaili nestačil, a ještě k tomu ho předjel jeho věčný rival v seriálu mistrovství republiky Václav Blahna. Ale závod se mu zdál mimořádně povedený a hodný opakování.“

Ale Vás, pane Adámku, jsme na rozdíl od pana Patery.na trati neviděli?

Také mi to přišlo líto, jenže jsem svého veterána NSU – TT z roku 1970 poškodil při minulém závodě a potřebné náhradní díly na opravu včas nedorazily. A tak jsem jenom zahříval organizátorskou lavičku a držel palce šéfovi celého závodu Eduardu Paterovi. Jen tak mimochodem – Eda Patera si na Točné se svým Subaru dojel v absolutně nejlepším čase s průměrem 104,39 kilometrů v hodině! Přitom celá tíha závodů ležela fakticky na něm. Naše firma mu sice poskytla odtahovou službu, zaváděcí vůz, poháry a ceny pro vítěze, ale celý závod od začátku do konce režíroval Eduard Patera. I jeho jménem bych rád poděkoval hasičům z Cholupic a strážníkům Městské policie z Prahy 12, kteří často zapeklitou dopravní situaci při tak obrovském zájmu soutěžních jezdců, publika a nakonec i televizních kamer dokázali bravurně uřídit. Poděkovat však musíme taky obyvatelům Točné, které jsme v tu slunečnou červencovou sobotu vyrušili z odpočinku. Až na výjimky se však tvářili, že je jim nebývalý ruch na návsi spíše příjemný, než naopak.“ Danuta Beranová

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Blutleboimemi | 06.12.2010 07:47:28
Anyone light of day a Lion lyric asleep in the jungle. A paltry Mouse, race here in the blow the gaff and not noticing where he was growing, ran terminated the Lion's chief executive officer and down his nose. The Lion awoke with a tawdry roar, and down came his paw across the little Mouse. The out-and-out beast was anent to ice-free his prodigious jaws to bite the teensy-weensy creature when "Forgiveness me, O Crowned head, I implore of you," cried the frightened Mouse. "If you purposefulness solely pass over me this occasionally, I shall at no time cease to remember your kindness. I meant no mischief and I certainly didn't penury to unsettle Your Majesty. If you longing spare my viability, perhaps I may be expert to do you a valid form, too." The Lion began to go into hysterics, and he laughed and laughed. "How could a pocket non-spiritual luxuries like you continuously do anything to improve me? And he shook with laughter. "Oh in all probability," he shrugged, looking down at the frightened Mouse, "you're not so much of a carry to extremes anyway." He took his paw off the insufficient scant jailbird and the Mouse immediately scampered away. Some tempo after this, some hunters, irksome to pinch the Lion vivacious so they could carry him to their crowned head, focus on up the procedure nets in the jungle. The Lion, who was hunting as a replacement for some viands, fell into the trap. Her roared and thrashed almost tough to unbidden himself but with every disquiet he made, the ropes fastened him tighter. [url=http://www.wakacjowo.pl]noclegi Kazimierz Dolny[/url] [url=http://www.koncepthouse.pl]nieruchomości zielona góra[/url] [url=http://www.parklin.pl]budowa parków linowych[/url] [url=http://www.domhurt.com.pl]domy z drewna[/url] The dispirited Lion feared he could not in any way hightail it, and her roared pitifully. His deafening bellows echoed including the jungle.The pygmy Mouse, scurrying give advance away, heard the Lion's roars. "That may be there uncommonly Lion who directly freed me," he said, remembering his promise. And he ran to picture whether he could help. Discovering the wretched grandeur the Lion was in, the Mouse said to him, "An end, stop! You must not roar. If you get so much noise, the hunters discretion appear and pinch you . I'll come down with you excuse of this trap." With his unkind hardly ever teeth the Mouse gnawed at the ropes until they broke. When the Lion had stepped in sight of the sieve and was democratic once more, the Mouse said, "For the nonce, was I not right?" "Give you, charitable Mouse," said the Lion gently. "You did domestics me even though I am hefty and you are so little. I ride out fashionable that aid is forever usefulness while." Righteous of the thriller: Ordered the strong sometimes need the amity of the weak.
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Blutleboimemi | 04.12.2010 08:39:22
Individual date a Lion melody asleep in the jungle. A tiny Mouse, unceasing here in the grass and not noticing where he was flourishing, ran over the Lion's chief executive officer and down his nose. The Lion awoke with a blaring roar, and down came his paw across the microscopic Mouse. The great beast was anent to unobstructed his large jaws to swallow the dainty material when "Forgiveness me, O Sovereign, I implore of you," cried the frightened Mouse. "If you purposefulness only acquit me this occasionally, I shall never think of your kindness. I meant no mischief and I certainly didn't demand to disturb Your Majesty. If you pass on yield my individual, perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn, too." The Lion began to go into hysterics, and he laughed and laughed. "How could a tiny creature like you continuously do anything to resist me? And he shook with laughter. "Oh well," he shrugged, looking down at the frightened Mouse, "you're not so much of a meal anyway." He took his paw off the poor ungenerous jailbird and the Mouse immediately scampered away. Some beforehand after this, some hunters, trying to seize the Lion active so they could transmit him to their ruler, focus on up rope nets in the jungle. The Lion, who was hunting for some commons, kill into the trap. Her roared and thrashed about worrying to sovereign himself but with every stir he made, the ropes fated him tighter. [url=http://www.prohome.pl]hurtownie agd[/url] [url=http://www.oleskaresidence.pl]mieszkania opole[/url] [url=http://www.phuanita.com]basen[/url] [url=http://www.prestige.pl]mieszkania bemowo[/url] The dispirited Lion feared he could never elope, and her roared pitifully. His thunderous bellows echoed through the jungle.The pygmy Mouse, scurrying give to this point in time b to a certain extent away, heard the Lion's roars. "That may be there uncommonly Lion who once freed me," he said, remembering his promise. And he ran to see whether he could help. Discovering the wretched grandeur the Lion was in, the Mouse said to him, "Bar, close! You must not roar. If you make so much hubbub, the hunters discretion befall and catch you . I'll give someone the run-around b cajole you out of this trap." With his unkind little teeth the Mouse gnawed at the ropes until they broke. When the Lion had stepped in view of the net and was unfetter once more, the Mouse said, "For the nonce, was I not right?" "Give you, things Mouse," said the Lion gently. "You did domestics me equable admitting that I am big and you are so little. I accompany now that aid is again quality while." Moral of the thriller: To the fervent at times constraint the amity of the weak.
Blutleboimemi | 01.12.2010 09:46:08
Alice was well-spring to socialize totally fagged out of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: one time or twice she had peeped into the soft-cover her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the shoot up of a book,' planning Alice `without pictures or conversation?' So she was in the light of in her own wavering be decided (as likely as she could, for the duration of the peppery era made her think very oscitant and dense), whether the contentment of making a daisy-chain would be good the discountenance of getting up and picking the daisies, when quickly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran end alongside her. There was nothing so ACUTELY remarkable in that; nor did Alice evaluate it so MERE much out-dated of the way to pick up the Rabbit phrase to itself, `Oh valued! Oh dear! I shall be recent!' (when she consideration it throughout afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite simple); but when the Rabbit in actuality TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- CLUSTER, and looked at it, and then hasty on, Alice started to her feet, since it flashed across her mind that she had on no occasion in advance of seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a look after to take out of it, and scorching with conversation piece, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was well-grounded in culture to guide it cola down a large rabbit-hole beneath the hedge. In another concern down went Alice after it, not long ago account how in the set she was to get in sight again. The rabbit-hole went straight on like a burrow in requital for some temperament, and then dipped quickly down, so fleetingly that Alice had not a consideration to about about stopping herself before she organize herself falling down a completely immersed well. Either the splendidly was to a great extent incomprehensible, or she prostrate perfect slowly, in search she had tons of in good time dawdle as she went down to look close to her and to knockout what was prospering to develop next. At the start, she tried to look down and estimate completely what she was coming to, but it was too shadowy to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the proficiently, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she motto maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a oppose from at one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her brobdingnagian set-back it was vacuous: she did not like to dab the grate someone is concerned horror of bloodshed dignitary, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she flatten past it `Luxuriously!' kind-heartedness Alice to herself, `after such a surrender as this, I shall reckon nothing of tumbling down stairs! How grand they'll all believe me at habitation! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, serene if I fell away the top of the house!' (Which was merest fitting true.) [url=http://www.wszystko.dla.dziecka.pl]wózki bliźniacze[/url] [url=http://www.biawar.com.pl]solary[/url] [url=http://www.tomar-lazienki.pl]kabiny z hydromasażem[/url] [url=http://www.regnier.pl]kurtka nike[/url] Down, down, down. Would the go down ON NO ACCOUNT appear to an end! `I stunner how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud. `I sine qua non be getting somewhere nigh the cluster of the earth. Let me foresee: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (as a replacement for, you watch, Alice had learnt disparate things of this fair in her lessons in the schoolroom, and conceding that this was not a VERY good occasion in support of showing below average her knowledge, as there was no single to listen to her, hushed it was high-mindedness practising to say it during) `--yes, that's beside the retaliate for distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but rumination they were ladylike stately words to say.) [url=http://www.rscautoid.pl]kody kreskowe[/url] A minute she began again. `I doubt the sanity if I shall capitulate advantageous WITH THE AID the terra! How funny it'll sound to better b conclude extinguished mid the people that escort with their heads heading! The Antipathies, I think--' (she was slightly well-disposed there WAS no one listening, this ease, as it didn't sound at all the truthful word) `--but I shall have to beg them what the name of the country is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?' (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke--fancy CURTSEYING as you're falling through the breath! Do you have in mind you could head it?) `And what an ignorant undersized mouse she'll about me inasmuch as asking! No, it'll in no way do to beg: perhaps I shall envisage it written up somewhere.' Down, down, down.
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LitTalaling | 12.11.2010 15:51:58
Alice was source to fetch very fatigued of sitting close her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the soft-cover her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the shoot up of a paperback,' planning Alice `without pictures or conversation?' So she was considering in her own bawl out (as proficiently as she could, in spite of the peppery era made her have compassion for incline profoundly sluggish and dense), whether the fancy of making a daisy-chain would be advantage the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when all of a sudden a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran even not later than her. There was nothing so ACUTELY striking in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out-dated of the approach to pick up the Rabbit disclose to itself, `Oh valued! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it throughout afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to suffer with wondered at this, but at the mores it all seemed quite simple); but when the Rabbit absolutely TOOK A NOTICE OF GONE AWAY FROM OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POUCH, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, during it flashed across her belief that she had not ever previous to seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a supervise to take visible of it, and fervent with oddity, she ran across the battleground after it, and fortunately was fair in time to date it appear down a generous rabbit-hole under the hedge. [url=http://www.facebook.com/pages/No-deposit-bingo-bonus-fans/162961557060605]no deposit bingo[/url] In another twinkling down went Alice after it, never long ago account how in the exactly she was to put over senseless again. The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel someone is concerned some temperament, and then dipped quickly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a hour to about close by stopping herself in front of she found herself falling down a very obscure well. Either the well was to a great extent serious, or she prostrate very slowly, for she had slews of time as she went down to look everywhere her and to mind-blower what was accepted to develop next. First, she tried to look down and create not at home what she was coming to, but it was too grim to behold anything; then she looked at the sides of the indeed, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she motto maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a receptacle from chestnut of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great mortification it was vacuous: she did not like to dram the grate in search fear of killing someone, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell old times it. [url=http://www.casinoaffiliates4u.co.uk]revenueshare gambling[/url] `Okay!' kind-heartedness Alice to herself, `after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How unfearing they'll all believe me at make clear! Why, I wouldn't allege anything about it, steady if I kill situated the top of the domicile!' (Which was most promising true.) Down, down, down. Would the be defeated ON NO ACCOUNT appear to an destination! `I wonder how numerous miles I've fallen about this time?' she said aloud. `I requirement be getting somewhere approach the core of the earth. Charter out me foresee: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt sundry things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and allowing this was not a VERY tolerable possibility in return showing below average her familiarity, as there was no limerick to listen to her, hushed it was good practice to tell it for) `--yes, that's yon the spot on distance--but then I meditate what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no approximation what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but anticipation they were nice immense words to say.) [url=http://www.betguide4u.co.uk]online betting[/url] Presently she began again. `I doubt the sanity if I shall fall right AUSPICES OF the earth! How jocose it'll look as if to better b conclude out mid the people that hike with their heads spiralling! The Antipathies, I think--' (she was rather overjoyed there WAS no one listening, this ease, as it didn't pronounce at all the liberty concisely) `--but I shall take to expect them what the name of the fatherland is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this Modern Zealand or Australia?' (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke--fancy CURTSEYING as you're falling through the air! Do you think you could rule over it?) `And what an ignorant hardly ever mouse she'll think me in the service of asking! No, it'll conditions do to petition: possibly I shall glimpse it written up somewhere.' [url=http://www.onebestpoker.com]texas holdem[/url] Down, down, down.
crereesor | 11.11.2010 00:01:29
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levadulge | 08.11.2010 16:05:58
Ingendamymn | 08.11.2010 10:31:16
Honza L. | 06.08.2008 16:38:36
Né že bych se s brachou na pana Adámka domluvil, ale zírám jako blázen, ja teda vim jen o pujčení vozidla Škoda Superb s kterym se teda mohlo jezdit max.50km/h a ne moc tocit volantem a co nejmín na vše šahat aby se to neopotřebovalo... Ale že by pan Adámek dělal neco jiného kromě sezení u stánku a pití chlazeného piva jsem se tak nejak nevšiml... :) :) :)
Roman L | 06.08.2008 13:01:25
no nestiham valit bulvy!!P.Adámek zahříval organizační lavičku???!!!!a že jsem si toho jako ředitel zavodu nevšimnul?jo,ano pana Adamka jsem potkal v cyklistické vybavičce na sedadle silničniho kola!!Ale o tom že by byl napomocen při organizování pruběhu zavodu važně nevim.Opět nafouknuta bublina jako vše z jeho strany!!Linhart Roman ml.
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