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Italská firma GTO tech partnerem Edda Cupu!

 GTO tech je špičková italská společnost specializující se na rekonstrukce, repase, restaurování a úpravy pro závodní, historické, ale i tuningové vozy. Náš profesionální tým má více než třicetileté zkušenosti v tomto oboru a může nabízet širokou oblast pomoci při stavbě špičkového závodního vozu. Upravíme v podstatě cokoliv, ať už podvozkové díly, převodovku či motor, nebo karosařinu.

 Nově působí tato firma i v České republice, neboť přestěhovala své dílny do Mochova u Prahy. Už jenom návštěva jejich dílen je zážitkem. Tolik italských speciálů, počínaje Fiaty 124Abarth až po Lancie Delta, včetně několika Stratosů, v různém stupni repase jen tak neuvidíte. Zákazníky jsou zatím většinou Italové, ale i u nás je mnoho fandů italských vozů. Nicméně firma je schopna spolupracovat na jakémkoliv voze.

Zde je celá vizitka firmy v angličtině -

GTO Tech is a unique company, specialising in the construction, recreation, race-preparation, restoration and fine tuning of historic, road going, sport/competition vehicles and parts.

Our staff are a team of professionals that, besides their love for motorsport, have over 30 years of experience in the trade and development of mechanical technologies, and can offer a wide range of mechanical and structural services for sports and race cars. Over time the team has thus acquired a distinctive knowledge base and expertise, which enables us to realise ever more reliable, competitive and light-weight products. Not only can GTO construct entire cars with all their components (including engines and gearboxes); we can also restore vehicles of great historic interest and value. 

GTO Tech does not set itself any limits as company. We are ready to meet new technological challenges, as the pioneers of the team have already demonstrated many times.

Services, products and technical solutions:

By collaborating with allied industries in the technological-mechanical sector for many years, we have consolidated our expertise and developed our knowledge on craftsmanship of the more traditional materials. However, to meet the requirements of clients’ technical problems, we have also gained expertise in crafting specialised materials. By using cutting-edge technology, assembling a highly qualified team, and co-operating with various universities, we can guarantee the constant high-level quality standards of our services and products.

Engines and Components

Race-prep, restoration and fine tuning of special engines are another important set of aspects that our company takes care of, especially when it comes to engines that were specicifically designed for racing.

Thanks to rapid prototyping and reverse engineering GTO Tech is also able to reproduce cast components, including cylinder heads and even engine blocks, without the high costs of mould production. Where applicable, we improve the original product with the use of modern materials, without necessarily changing the structure. The reproduction of very complex components such as cylinder heads is also made possible thanks to the team’s constant research into the best that modern technologies can offer.


Chassis and Body construction

The heart of a car isn’t just the engine, but the component that characterises how it behaves on the road and that defines its unique and indivudual aesthetic look: the chassis.

As history teaches us, a car with a great engine will never obtain great results without a chassis that can match its performance; to achieve this, robustness, weight and precision have to be combined at the highest level in order to formulate a winning car.

Considering the history and evolution the car chassis, and given that some of our team have direct experience of their original development, GTO Tech can claim a secure knowledge of tubular/sheet metal frame structures.

Because of the demand in this field, we have also become specialized in the conservational restoration and reproduction of components, thus allowing the survival of certain types of cars that would otherwise be considered mechanically vulnerable. We can even repair and replace the structural aluminium or steel panels found in the Endurance and Formula cars built before the arrival of carbon fibre.


Cooling systems and Radiators

Our longstanding knowledge of air/water/oil cooling systems, even outside the automotive sector, means that we can supply any kind of radiator core (aluminium, copper and brass) for the customized construction of radiators, intercoolers and heat exchangers, whether for improved performance or simply for maintaining historical authenticity.

Nonetheless, vehicle manufacturers’ constant research for ever more efficent aerodynamics has considerably reduced the number of surfaces that come into contact with the air flow, thus reducing the radiative surfaces with all of the obvious cooling problems that follow. In this context, we have demonstrated our competence in developing state of the art systems, obtaining excellent results for road vehicles, motorcycles and helicopters.


Buying / Selling Consultancy Services:

We actively involve our discerning customers when it comes to advice on purchasing and selling prestigious and upscale cars, which can quite often be unique in their kind. We give expert advice in examining each and every component, carefully and professionally, evaluating the characteristics and originality of the car in question.

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