aktualizováno | 31.03.2017 15:47:55 | edda | přečteno: 11951x
Rallye Prague Revival - Thursday´s trip

Dear friends.

We would like to offer all foreign participants a visit of the best and most famous medieval kingcastle in CZ, Karlštejn. This trip would take place on Thursday starting 10 A.M. from railway station Radotin. Due to this trip it would be ideal for you to arrive on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Be so kind and advise about your participation on this trip as soon as possible.

Program of trip -

10,00hr. Meeting on station Radotín

10,33hr. We will go by train from Radotin to Karlštejn

11,00hr. We will walking from station to central parking

11,30hr. We will go by horse-drawn carriage to hill, restaurant near castle. The price is about 8 euro per person.

12,00hr. The lunch in restaurant U Adama - http://restauraceuadama.cz/

13,30hr. We will visit Castle, one hour tour with english guide. You can buy information booklet in your language

14,30hr. We will walking slowly by main street with a lot of shops down to station.

16,30hr. We return by train to Radotin

Sorry my wrong english :-) We will see soon Ed

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